Monday, August 11, 2014

Gifted Little Creatures (Illustrated!)

Something new! And old! But also new!

I met artist Raine Sarmiento a few months ago, after we both attended the launch of Studio Salimbal Comics. She emailed me and asked if we could work together on anything.

And I said yeah! Here! (I'm always up for this!)

There's a companion short story for my Interim Goddess of Love trilogy called Gifted Little Creatures. It features Maya, goddess of the moon, and it's free to read on Wattpad. 

Raine has provided illustrations and a new cover. Now it looks like this!

This will be a 10-page (ish) booklet and I will be giving it away FREE once I figure out how to print it.

Raine, this looks so awesome. I love love love it.


  1. This is absolutely lovely!!! Hope I can get my hands on the printed booklet! <3

  2. Awesome! Awesome! Illustration fits perfectly! I'd like to have the booklet! <3 <3

  3. Raine is really great! And I would love to have the booklet free!
