Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Interview with #LunaEast author Joy Villar

1. Describe your Luna East story in a few short sentences
A Study in Form: Junior Saree Termulo couldn't say no to Senior Eli Antonio's request--to model for his biggest art project. But she may be helping more than just Eli along.

2. Did a real event from high school inspire your story?
I wasn't inspired by a real event from high school. The idea just popped up in my head one day. I don't even recall the triger for it. Haha. Saree was loosely based from my my best friend in high school, who also did ballet.

3. What did you like to read when you were in high school?
When I was in high school I mostly read what was at home, which was what my sister read (mainly fantasy, YA, and romance). But during freshman year, I also delved into Japanese novels. I think I borrowed all the Japanese novels in the library in that school year alone. I also remember spending the whole summer between Sophomore and Junior year cooped up in the bedroom reading and rereading the Belgariad and the Malloreon series by David Eddings.

4. Who do you think should be reading Luna East, and how do we get the books to them? 
I think everyone who has a soft spot for YA and romance should read #LunaEast, because it's right up their alley. And also anyone who is not afraid to try and read new things should also read it. The best way I can think of to bring these stories out to everyone is by word of mouth. Most of the things I read came from the recommendations of those I knew loved to read good books, and are excited to share what they read to others. I rarely buy/read a book just because the blurb was well written or it was on the best-seller list.

5. What other stories are you planning for Luna East?
I already have a rough draft of a one-shot. It's the other side of my current story, which will be from Eli's perspective. I am also nursing a plot bunny about a student who is addicted to crosswords, and a possible love interest who thinks she should become addicted to something else. But I haven't fully explored that idea yet. I might also do stories including orchestra students, but I'm shelving that idea for later. Right now, I want to focus on finishing this story, my #romanceclass novella, and the other novellas I have planned. I hope I get to finish a lot withing the year. *crosses fingers*

Joy has always been fascinated with stories, and with telling them. When she's not busy daydreaming or firming flights, she tries to sneak in a little bit of writing. She fuels herself (and her writing) with caffeine loaded drinks (milk tea being top preference). She hopes to finish her #romanceclass novella within this year. *crosses fingers*

Write your #LunaEast story! Read the rules. Post your story on your blog, Wattpad, Figment, or And then answer these interview questions and send to :) Order the Volume 1 paperbackor get the ebook on Amazon.

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