Saturday, October 19, 2013

Steamy Reads, a special edition of #romanceclass

Save the date! From January 18 to February 15, 2014, I will be running a free, short-story edition of #romanceclass. We will be writing 5,000(ish)-word short stories, and they'll be about love, romance, and possibly some steam.

This class is sponsored by buqo, and it could mean a digital distribution deal for your story!

Most of the work in class will be facilitated online, but there are three face-to-face classes (January 18, Feb 1 and Feb 15) at the buqo office in Mandaluyong City that I hope you can attend. We're not requiring it, but you'll miss a lot if you don't get to go.

If you want to be able to write and finish a romance-themed short story in a month, and see it published too, do sign up here: (You have to be 18 and over to join though! Mature themes kasi.)

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