It's here!
Snail mail rarely surprises me with an early delivery, but here it is -- the proof for the paperback of Love Your Frenemies, weeks before I expected it.
I didn't add any "special features" to this edition, so if you got the ebook then you pretty much have all the words, just not on paper. What's different this time though is that it's on cream-colored paper, which was a new option that I didn't have when I prepared Fairy Tale Fail's paperback.
I'll be reviewing this proof in the next few days but so far it looks good (paper looks great, margins are better compared to FTF pb). If you want your own copy, email me at minavesguerra at gmail dot com. It'll be part of the first batch that's shipped to Manila in a few weeks. Or sooner, if we have another happy snail mail surprise.